MA Rainbow News
Share your events and news with us and we will post it below.
Supreme Assembly
in Hampton, VA
July 16-24, 2024
Sessions start with Vespers and Grand Cross on Sunday Morning, and the
Supreme Banquet on Sunday Night. Tours & interesting sites of Hampton
are usually offered in the days before the Sessions begin!
- Our GWA, Erin, who will be representing our jurisdiction as an appointment by the Supreme Worthy Advisor
- Our GWA-elect who will be participating in the Cavalcade of Flags
- Our Supreme Inspector
Consider participating in any of these interactive activities:
- Supreme Showcase of Talent (see below for details)
- Individual Ritual Competition (details have not been distributed yet)
- Team Ritual Competition (details have not been distributed yet)
- Supreme Choir – meet Rainbow girls from around the USA and International Countries! Let your Mother Advisor know if you are interested - signups will occur early during 2024.
Mom Kita Gonyea has volunteered to be our Jurisdictional TRAVEL COORDINATOR for the Supreme Sessions this summer. Coordinate and inform Mom Kita ( with the following details: (Please take note of the corrected email address for Mom Kita!)
- Hotel for lodging (let's stay in the same hotel and be together!)
- Date & time of arrival
- Date & time of departure
- If driving or carpooling send the names in your traveling party
- If flying send the Airline with dates and times
- Celebration reservation (prepaid get together party RSVP name list)
The jurisdiction will be wearing our Centennial Shirts as our session shirt while in Virginia! Place your order as soon as they become available and Pick your order up at Grand Assembly in June!
Bring your EXCELLENCE! Who is interested in competing this summer at Supreme Assembly? Two opportunities exist: compete as an individual or on a team. More information will be arriving soon from Supreme Assembly. Sessions will be held in Hampton, Virginia! If you are dedicated to performing excellent ritual, make your interest known to the State Ritual Coordinators by filling out a quick survey. Your commitment to represent Massachusetts Rainbow is honorable! Tryouts for the team will take place in April at the Grand Officers Day in Plymouth (prior to rehearsal times). All active members are eligible. Let's make a comeback Massachusetts Rainbow!!!
Capture the Pot of Gold & Help Write your District Traveling Story!
Remember to submit all your captures/transfers to
Please remember to contact the Mother Advisor of each Assembly to verify if they are hosting In-Person Meetings prior to leaving to visit. Awards will be handed out for the most captures at the next Grand Assembly Sessions.
Are you traveling to visit another Jurisdiction?
Here are a couple of reminders:
As we gear up for the upcoming Grand Assembly Sessions in other jurisdictions, it's essential to ensure all necessary arrangements are in place. If you're planning to attend sessions outside our jurisdiction this year, please remember the following:
- Complete Out-of-State Permission Form: Before your departure, make sure you fill out the Out-of-State Permission Form. This form is crucial for keeping track of our members and ensuring their safety during travels.
- Notify Mom Torrey: Once you've completed the form, kindly send an email to Mom Torrey. This will help us keep track of who is attending which sessions and ensure proper communication and support throughout your trip.
Half-Campership Applications
Please submit your application by April 15th
Do you want to go to the "most magical place in Massachusetts" this summer? Grand Assembly of MA is once again offering all Massachusetts Rainbow Girls the opportunity to go to camp with half-Camperships. To learn more, please visit their website at or ask any of the girls that have attended this wonderful camp.
We need your help!
The 100th Anniversary Committee needs your help! We're compiling a list of past MA Rainbow girls. We have over 16,000 names, but we need more information to notify everyone about our plans during the 2025 Grand Assembly session to be held at Nichols College in Dudley, mA on June 26-29, 2025.
Please click the link below and fill out the form with your full name (include maiden name, if applicable), Assembly and most importantly - your email address. This is how we'll communicate details for the celebration weekend. Also, please reach out to your Rainbow sisters and friends who may not belong to the Majority Group, so they too can receive the information.
Thank you for helping us make this event a success!
Order your 100 year Centennial Shirts & Pins today!
Join MA Rainbow!
Now accepting applications for membership from girls ages 10-20!
Join us for 100 year Celebration in 2025!
We need your email to keep you posted on upcoming events. Click image below to send us your email address.
MA Grand Assembly Sessions on June 28-30
Nichols College, Dudley MA