Become a Member
How do I join Rainbow for Girls in MA?
It's easy to join Rainbow?
If you are between the age of 11-21 years old, contact the Mother Advisor for the Assembly closest to you. (If you are not in Massachusetts, visit our Supreme website at gorainbow.org to find the Assembly closest to your location).
They will send you information along with an Application for Membership.
Once your Application for Membership is complete, an Advisory Board Member and active Rainbow Girl will visit you to answer any further questions along with an idea of what to expect when you join our organization.
When your application is accepted, the Assembly will ballot and vote you to join their group.
Lastly, new members and their parents are invited to participate in an Initiation Ceremony. This presentation will solidify your obligation to live a good life of service. This ceremony is one of the most memorable experiences for the entire Assembly of girls and their families.
Did you know your younger sisters can join as well?
Rainbow offers younger girls between the age of 8-10 years old an opportunity to learn more about the organization to see if it is something they would like to join when they turn 11 years old. The Pledge Members typically meet once a month and do fun activities during the business meeting for the older girls and often times participate and help in the Assembly community service and fundraising activities.
Still not sure?
As parents, we don't always know what's best for our children. But if there were a way to fast-forward time, to see if the choices we made for our young daughter turned out to make a difference in her life as an adult, wouldn't that be a remarkable tool?
While we can't predict the future, we can learn from the past. The testimony of one former Rainbow Girl should help. Joan Smith is now a successful owner of a research and marketing firm. She was a member of Rainbow Girls for many years and has fond memories of the friends she made and the fun they experienced. More importantly, Joan applauds Rainbow for teaching her specific lessons that have carried her through life.
If you want your daughter to be the best that she can be, make new friends, develop an interest in her community and become a public speaker, then Rainbow is right for her! Massachusetts Rainbow invites your daughter and you to join us at a fun event near you. As a parent, you are invited and welcome at all Rainbow events - from meetings to charity projects to fun bowling nights!
Request more information or an Application for Membership today!
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